
Customer Testimonials

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    "Over the past 2 years I have had 3 repairs completed by Rick's; 2 jobs over $6000 and one minor for $980. No complaints here. All 3 jobs were done on time; professional work. Front office personnel were very friendly, courteous, and helpful. Rick went out of his way to get an extensive repair job done early so that I could start my hunting trip on time. A very satisfied repeat customer."

    - David G.

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    "Rick's has done body and paint repairs on two different cars of mine. The paint matched perfectly and they were done with the work very timely. They did a great job. I will go back again."

    - Larry H.

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    "I've been to Rick's twice and I would not take my car anywhere else they are fast friendly and their dogs are cute."

    - Debra W.

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    "Over the past 2 years I have had 3 repairs completed by Rick's; 2 jobs over $6000 and one minor for $980. No complaints here. All 3 jobs were done on time; professional work. Front office personnel were very friendly, courteous, and helpful. Rick went out of his way to get an extensive repair job done early so that I could start my hunting trip on time. A very satisfied repeat customer."

    - David G.

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    "Rick's has done body and paint repairs on two different cars of mine. The paint matched perfectly and they were done with the work very timely. They did a great job. I will go back again."

    - Larry H.

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    "I've been to Rick's twice and I would not take my car anywhere else they are fast friendly and their dogs are cute."

    - Debra W.


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